

2023/12/24 Taylor & Francis Online

Assistive technologies and aging in place for people with dementia and disabilities: a proof-of-concept study with in-home passive remote monitoring with interactive communication functions

Kazuko Obayashi,Naonori Kodate,Yoko Ishii & Shigeru Masuyama

      Received 06 Sep 2023, Accepted 19 Nov 2023, Published online: 24 Dec 2023

2021/11/17 J-STAGE


尾林 和子, 小舘 尚文, 岡本 佳美, 石井 陽子, 野々田 峰寛, 増山 茂

      日本ロボット学会誌/39 巻 (2021) 9 号/p. 858-861


Assessing the Impact of an Original Soft Communicative Robot in a Nursing Home in Japan: Will Softness or Conversations Bring more Smiles to Older People?

Kazuko Obayashi, Naonori Kodate & Shigeru Masuyama

      International Journal of Social Robotics/Volume 14 Issue 5, pages 645–656/August 2021

2021/6/21 WILEY Online Library

The COVID-19 pandemic and organizational resilience as unanticipated outcome of introducing socially assistive robots in nursing homes

Kazuko Obayashi, Naonori Kodate, Hiromasa Kondo, Yoshimi Okamoto, Yoko Ishii, Takahiro Nonoda, Shigeru Masuyama

      Geriatrics & Gerontology International(GGI)/Volume21, Issue8,Pages 752-754/August 2021


2020/7/1 Science Direct

Can connected technologies improve sleep quality and safety of older adults and care-givers? An evaluation study of sleep monitors and communicative robots at a residential care home in Japan

Kazuko Obayashi, Naonori Kodate, Shigeru Masuyama

      Technology in Society/Volume 62, August 2020,


2020/2/19 WILEY Online Library

Measuring the impact of age, gender and dementia on communication-robot interventions in residential care homes

Kazuko Obayashi, Naonori Kodate, Shigeru Masuyama

      Geriatrics & Gerontology International(GGI)/Volume20, Issue4,Pages 373-378/April 2020


2020/1/24 Clinical Therapeutics

Pilot and Feasibility Study on Elderly Support Services Using Communicative Robots and Monitoring Sensors Integrated With Cloud Robotics

Kazuko Obayashi,Shigeru Masuyama

      Clinical Therapeutics/ Volume 42, Issue 2, P364-371.E4, February 2020


2018/10/14 Taylor & Francis Online

Enhancing older people’s activity and participation with socially assistive robots: a multicentre quasi-experimental study using the ICF framework

Kazuko Obayashi, Naonori Kodate, Shigeru Masuyama

      Advanced Robotics/Volume 32, 2018 – Issue 22


2018/5/1 JAMDA

Socially Assistive Robots and Their Potential in Enhancing Older People’s Activity and Social Participation

Kazuko Obayashi, Naonori Kodate, Shigeru Masuyama

      JAMDA/Volume 19, Issue 5, P462-463, May 2018

